It was raining heavily tis morning...Was so afraid tat it didn't stop by time we going to shny's place...Lucky tat the rain stopped just in time when we went out.. Was late then.. Met the rest over @ the shelter near to shny's blk...Today is our very first time meeting one of the forummers, Ayu Shafina..She was sooo sweet...After we finished signing the Wedding card for shny & Fan, we then proceed to her void deck...Was quite pack so we have to find 3 tables to accomodate all of us.. I tink our group was the biggest among shny's other frens...ehehe... When we just about to eat, Fan came.. Took pictures of him before all of us start eating...While waiting for shny and Fan to go down, we waited at a bench opposite her blk...Was so hot then...Luckily Kak sun & Aliyah brought along their kipas lipas... But still the wind from the kipas lipas can't beat the glaring sun...
We witnessed the sweet moment of shny & Fan cutting their wedding cake...So sweeet...Once they cut the cake, song by Shania Twain - From This Moment was aired...Wow!! So Romantic... I was like taken back to when I was cutting the wedding cake with hubbie a year plus ago...hahaha...But only our song was different then.. Ours was I will Always Love You by Whitney Houston..hehe...
Well, after the cake cutting ceremony, the wedding couple has to rush to Fan's side...But we managed to take a picture of our group & the wedding couple..Thanks to the cameraman, Najeeb being so understanding as he knew tat we were so eager to captured the moment with the bride & groom.. Once the wedding couple set off, we also made our move...Aliyah, Jaybonz & their niece, Tuti went back...But the rest of us went over to East Coast Coffee Bean to have our lepakz session there...WHATT??? Wearing baju kurungs & kebayas to East Coast..?? Crazy rite??? But tat's what we did by the way... For the first time we, the gurlz went to East Coast with our baju kurungs & kebayas on..hehe.. Anyway we were being stared by people there...Dah macam East Coast ada jemputan kahwin plak..hahaha
Well we had the ketawa session again in the Coffee bean but minus the air con..The aircon was down actually...Was so hot in there...After awhile...we tot of moving over to McDonalds but since we cudn't find a big space there, we went back instead... Hubbie wanted to go MIL's hse straight but I told him tat I really need a cooling bath and change to something comfy...Was so sticky oredi...and my toes hurt bcos of the high heels..
Once back home, on the aircon full blast...Den off to take my shower....Feel so fresh then...Managed to laze around on the bed for awhile before off to MIL's place...Another BIL and family came over...MIL's hse was so cramp...Gotta know tat BIL & Family gonna back to Malacca tomoro afternoon...
Went back home @ 9.15pm...W/o any delay, I went to iron hubbie's werk clothes before switching my PC on....Called kissy asking her whether she's back as i did not see her online in MSN...She said she was still @ CCK...
My flu still bugging me..and now my voice so sengau oredi..hehe...Keep tenyeh-ing vicks to my idong ah... Now my idong started to peel sad.... oops..tomoro have to go back to Robinsons Sale again as SIL wanted me to get for her the bedsheets after she'd seen mine..hehehe...Oh ya..the Sale is extended till tomoro...So I did talk to kissy asking her to follow me to the Sale during her lunch time.. She said she will confirm with me again tomoro... Hopefully she can go... :)
Well have to stop here for today...Will be back again tomoro...Have a great week ahead of you guys!! Hope there will be no MONDAY BLUES for you all...Take care & papai...!!
Come & visit shny's Wedding Pictures...
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