Wednesday, May 25, 2005

3 Months old!

Yesterday my Lil Princess, Alisha turned 3 mths old.. fast huh? I feel tat I just gave birth to her... hehe..

Now she's learning how to tiarap oredy... But she'll get agitated if she can't turn back to her original position.. hehe.. And she loves to goo gaa at people who talk to her.. And her cute voice will start pitching high... She likes to suck her hands now... :)

Just now she had her 3rd jap... The 2 neneks & 2 atuks brought her to Bedok Polyclinic... Before tat, she was assessed by the doctor there.. According to my dad, the doctor checked Alisha's whole body and Alhamdulillah everything is good.. For the jab, mum told me tat she only cried for a few secs and she's back to her normal self.... Got medication if fever arises... But alhamdulillah so far no fever... And also she's progressing well.. Her weight & height are normal for a 3 mths old baby... Tat's my good Lil gurl! :)

Kay here are some of the pics taken yesterday... :)

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