Friday, August 19, 2005

Babies Talk!

After maghrib, the 3 of us went over to Teban Garden to visit Lil Aaryan Zaidan.. This petite cutie lil boy was cranky at first.. but soon he became soo friendly and chatty..He can chat non stop and playing his air liur bubble.. hehe... And this dobok cutie lil girl was sooo quiet and kept observing the lil boy and his house.. Sitting in the "pinjam" walker, my Lil Alisha was in her own world.. And Lil Aaryan kept chatting to get her attention.. sooo cute lah.. The 2 mums and dads kept laffing seeing the 2 cuties expressions...

Here are the photos taken...

The 2 babies actions...

LiL' Aaryan Zaidan ....

Thamrin & Rida, thanks for the warm hospitality and the yummy bee hoon plus the crab stick nuggets ;) Nice house by the way.. (nak carik itu blk pon bleh tahan beb! :p )

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