Sunday, September 07, 2008

7 Ramadhan..

We have reached a week of fasting this Ramadhan.. very fast indeed..

Today we had "bought-back food" for break-fast and MIL fried her epok-epok sayur... We went Jalan Pisang to buy Abak Briyani. Luckily hubz called to book the briyani else we have to wait long for it... Then bought murtabak from Victory...

I have also shopped for my kuih-baking ingredients at Sheng Shiong & Phoon Huat. Gonna start baking soon for the orders I've received and will continue to bake for mum & ownself.. At the same time need to study for my 2 tests the following week.. Stresssss!

Hope I can study & at the same time baking.. Must know how to multi-task smartly.. :)

......presenting the food that we had for today's break-fast... *boy, i missed those days where I put up food pictures on my blog every day with my home-cooked break-fast food.. Those were my tai-tai hood days when I was 5 months time flies...*

Abak Nasi Briyani

Victory Murtabak Daging

Home-made Epok-epok sayur

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