Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Making a Comeback

*blow dust to my blog*

Wow! My last entry was on last Christmas... I was near to 8 months pregnant then... It has been 6 months since.. I have safely delivered my 2nd child on 10 Feb 2010.. Now my healthy son, Aiman Affan, is already in his 4th months.. How time really flies.. I'm already back to work and my 16 weeks of maternity ended super fast... How I remembered that I'm so looking forward to my maternity leave in January this year and now I'm already back in the office... *sob*sob*

Ok let me enlighten you people on the progress of my 4 months old Lil Boy.. He now loves attention from all of us.. Loves to baby talk and gets hungry real fast.. and boyy!! The last time his weight was around 7.7kgs... I wonder what his weight now.. Maybe more than 8 kgs.. tsk tsk tsk.. Anyway he will be having his 3rd dose of Hep B vaccination this Saturday and we are eager to know his weight too! :p .. Apart from that, he is a happy baby and loves to smile at anyone around him..

My Lil Girl now has turned 5 years old last February.. How fast she has grown.. She is now a big sister to her brother. She has been so protective over her lil brother.. She loves her lil brother so much. She kept saying to me that she loves having her brother around.. Awww.. that's sweet of her... Despite being lazy at times, she does help us taking care of her lil brother and takes instructions from us... We are happy on her school progress too. The last parents-teacher's session we had before the term break, we were told that Alisha is very proactive and loves to answer every questions asked by her teachers. She knows her stuff well.. Alhamdulillah... She loves art and we can see her drawings and colouring have improve tremendously. Kudos Alisha!!

Job wise, my role has totally changed.. I'm no longer taking up my previous job scope but now I'm into a bigger role and responsibilities.. Alhamdulillah, I get to practice what I've learnt in my HR Dip... Oh yes, I have since graduated.. Holding 2 Diplomas in hand now :) .. I hope to do my degree in HR soon once I have the means.. :) .. back to my job scope, my MD is giving me some challenging tasks to do.. Am pretty excited on that.. Hopefully I can deliver my tasks smoothly and successfully... Insya Allah... and yes, I got my own room to work now.. More privacy! *wink*

I simply love my room now!! and guess what? I won the Best Decorated Room contest! I got $200 Borders Vouchers :)) ..

Life a bliss now.. Having an addition to our family and now we are family of four... having a stable job .. a loving family and what's more can I ask for.. Syukur Alhamdulillah... We're into 8 years of marriage end of this year and many more years to come for us... Insya Allah...

Thank you Allah for all your blessings...

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